How to send an e-invoice through LinkFor using Xero

How to send an e-invoice through LinkFor using Xero

Once LinkFor and Xero connection is complete, you can send e-invoices to your customers by creating the invoice in your Xero as normal, no additional steps are required. 

Before sending e-invoices there are 2 points you need to remember:
1. Make sure that your contact is listed as a customer in Xero so they appear in your "My Customers" list in LinkFor.
2. Enable sending e-invoice to your customer by going to "My Customers" tab in LinkFor, then clicking the "Enable" button. If there's no UEN, the button will appear as "Add UEN"

Follow 3 simple steps to send your e-Invoice

Step 1:  
Login to your Xero software and create an invoice. Go to Business > Invoices 

Or you can click the plus (+) sign, then click "Invoice". 

Step 2:  
Click "New Invoice"

Step 3: 
Enter the invoice details and click "Approve" once you're ready to send the invoice through LinkFor Access Point. 

If you wish to check the status of the e-invoice in LinkFor, simply log in to your LinkFor account and go to "My Invoices" tab. 

We're happy to help if you need further assistance. Send us an email to or use our live chat service located at the bottom right-hand side of our website. 

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